Ronnieklein's Blog


Ronnie Klein’s Biography

I have worked in the dental sales and equipment field for more then 37 years.I also have taught sales,management and public speaking for 6 years for Dale Carnegie instute. I was the first recepient of the Henry Schein Total Solution Provider award. I am well respected in the industry as being knowledgeable in both materials, equipment but most of all in how to help practice’s manage and grow their buisness.

This Blog was created to bring information to my customers in one location. It details information, Phone numbers and useful thoughts to help your practice in many facets.

Look at this article as to why YOU should have a Sales Consultant!!

Posted on 06-07-2010The Amazing Field Sales Consultant How many jobs do you know that require the following skill sets: psychologist, motivational speaker, reference guide, general contractor, office designer, software consultant, digital-highway sign man, equipment repairman, practice management advisor, inventory coordinator, and by the way, salesperson?I believe the role played by our  Field Sales Consultants is one of the most difficult and critical in dentistry. We expect and they deliver excellence to all customers who allow them to showcase and engage in their various talents. By the way, there is no charge for any of their services, only for the products you purchase from them!

Many dental professionals mistake the role of their “rep” (a term that grossly understates their value) as one of an order facilitator. Giving their FSC an order is only a thank you for the services they provide your practice, not an end in itself.

You see, FSCs can and will do so much more than just deliver dental products to your practice. Heck, there are a number of ways to get the same dental products without using a salesperson. However, if you will take some time and “interview” your FSC, or better yet, allow them to interview you, so much more can come of your relationship. Your practices’ needs can be fitted with their menu of services to form a gestalt that works for both parties. There are few relationships in business that are truly “win-win,” but this is one that absolutely can be.

As an example, we provide a service called a “Digital Practice Analysis Tool” or DPAT. (Sorry about the acronyms; they are part of the Schein culture). The average DPAT shows more than $150,000 per year in opportunity for a dental practice. Some of this opportunity is easier to bring home than others, but having it in a professionally packaged format, provides a great reference for improving the bottom line of any dental practice.

The average dental practice spends approximately $35,000 per year in dental supplies and another $10,000 in equipment and technology. How would you like that for free? A trained and competent FSC can provide that for you. Just by taking some practice management suggestions, you can grow your revenues and your practice’s profitability substantially and effectively get your supplies and regular equipment purchases for free!

An FSC who is a true friend to your practice can do so much more than just getting you your supplies. However, many dental professionals won’t allow them the level of intimacy needed to get all of the benefits they have to offer. This is truly a loss for the practice, as many dental professionals who have “taken the plunge” will attest.

The product/equipment/technology advice an FSC can give you is worth its weight in gold alone. How many things have you purchased over the years, only to regret it later? An FSC won’t eliminate that but they will minimize it. How many free offers come your way? The average practice takes advantage of less than 20% of the free goods available to them. An FSC can dramatically raise that percentage.

Where are you on the digital highway? There has never been a time in history where technology in dentistry has moved faster than today. This brings many benefits and challenges to a practice. We believe we have the widest array of technology options of any dental supply company. Our FSCs understand them and can bring experts into your practice to guide you in your decisions. There is no one right digital path for everyone. Only an intimate relationship with an FSC (and potentially other Schein resources) can make sure the path you are on is the right one for your practice.

I could go on and on. However, suffice it to say that the Field Sales Consultant is undervalued and underappreciated in most dental offices. And frankly, we sometimes probably don’t do the best job of telling our story and explaining what we can do for you. But take a few minutes (30 maximum) and sit down with your rep and watch what happens…they will turn into a Field Sales Consultant before your eyes!

Ronnie Klein 


Home Office: 3117 Lee place, Bellmore, N.Y. 11710

Fax: 516-897-5821

Cell: 917-656-0922


March 2011 Industry Icon: Ronnie Klein Ronnie Klein has been a Field Sales Consultant at the Henry Schein Long Island, New York Center for fifteen years. Ronnie’s greatest achievements include being the first recipient of the Henry Schein Total Solution Provider award and remaining in the top 5% consistently for fifteen years. For six years Ronnie has consistently been the top producer for private label sales and in 2009 was number one in Dexis sales for the northeast region. Ronnie has also spent six years at Dale Carnegie Institute conducting sales and management training classes.

Ronnie has learned that determination and hard work are the keys to success in a territory he says, “Has a lot of competition, and a large differentiation between all scopes of dental providers from low income insurance practices to high-end Park Avenue practices.” Henry Schein customers tend to gravitate toward Ronnie because of the confidence he exudes. Most people notice Ronnie’s confidence, but don’t realize he’s also very sensitive. He cares about providing exceptional service to customers, and believes if you help people get everything they desire, in return you’ll receive all you wish for.

Before his days at Henry Schein, Ronnie enjoyed a carefree childhood filled with vacations to Disney World with his parents. He respects his parents for teaching him the importance of integrity, confidence, and determination. Ronnie’s father was a well respected owner of a dental supply company and taught him a tremendous amount about the industry. Ronnie’s mother, Florence Klein, was ranked number 159 in John Sarkett’s book,

201 Extraordinary Comebacks 

. Sadly Florence recently passed away but her legacy of love and strength continue to live on.Ronnie enjoys going on cruises with wife, Laurie, and their four children, twenty-four year old Andrew, twenty-one year old Ross, nineteen-year old Hallie, and sixteen-year old Zachary. Even though Ronnie loves down time, he admits it’s not easy to relax when you’ve become accustomed to a busy schedule. Ronnie does rest easy when he refers his clients to Straine Consulting, though. According to Ronnie, having Straine Consulting as a coach is, “Invaluable to my customers because most dentists are not experts at running a business. Those who are open to a coach are the ones who are more successful.”

Learn more about Florence Klein and her inspiring message of the mind-body-spirit connection:

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